Katie (right) delivers donated boxed meals with a volunteer in April 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 Stay Home order.
Case Manager Katie Galasso came to work for Attain Housing about two weeks before the first COVID-19 cases in the United States were confirmed at the Life Care Center in Kirkland. We made the switch to working remotely for staff and client safety, so it was not your average first few months on the job for Katie. But, she has persisted, worked hard, and has already developed great working relationships with her clients, meeting remotely and or outdoors in person whenever possible.
We asked Kate if she could put her first 90 days on the job in her own words, given the unique circumstances. Take it away, Katie!
I was thrilled to get my job as a Case Manager with Attain Housing. After an exhausting several years of nonstop travel, I was excited to return to work doing something I deeply care about.
Obviously, I did all the new job things; I bought clothes, got a haircut and a new bag. However, after my first week of work I was shocked to learn that due to COVID-19, I would be working from home. Five months later, I only visit the office weekly, mostly out of concern for my husband who is high-risk.
It’s difficult to describe the experience of remotely starting a new job, but I have learned a lot. First, I never realized how much information you absorb just from daily interactions with your fellow coworkers. Quick questions and concrete examples asked over coffee or just “popping in” make a significant difference in learning something new. Not being able to meet with clients face-to-face concerned me. I wanted our clients to feel comfortable asking for help and working with directly with people is what I love doing most.
Luckily, my team has been very supportive and our clients are patient. I feel confident I’ve gotten the help I needed to make this awkward transition. I love working at Attain Housing and even in the midst of pandemic, I’m very happy to be here.