As of mid-August, Attain Housing has provided 120 households with Stable Home funding to help prevent Eastside residents from facing eviction or with funds to help them move into a new home. For a frame of reference, we served 101 households total in 2018. Thanks to our donors and the stewardship of our board of directors, we have been able to keep pace with the growing demand for rental assistance, but this is where we need your help the most currently.
For an average of $546 per household, Stable Home keeps people housed through a short-term crisis.
The cascade of negative consequences caused by a single eviction can often prove insurmountable to an individual without help. It hurts your chances of getting accepted into public/low-income housing and can tarnish your credit rating, which leads to evicted families and individuals having to accept substandard housing in disadvantaged areas.
Is prevention the best strategy in reducing homelessness numbers in our region? It may not address the full, systemic picture of what causes homelessness, but eviction prevention and rental assistance is a proven cost-effective and efficient method of preventing people from ending up on the street, in their cars, or in shelters.
As evidenced by the increasing numbers of Stable Home applicants, it’s plain to see that the need for these services is not going away. As donors, this program provides nearly instant proof of the impact of each donation as our number of individuals and families served increases each month.
The need for this program clearly isn’t going away and fortunately we haven’t had to impose cut-offs as of yet, but we do need help from our donors to help us continue to meet this need. If you’ve been holding off on making a donation, there is no better time than now. Your contribution would be extremely appreciated by the families and individuals who need just a little help to avoid the trauma of becoming homeless.
Summer 2019 Newsletter Contents
- Cheers to 30 Years!
- Message from our Executive Director – Our History!
- Stable Home Update
- The Year So Far!
- Growth Through Stability – A Survivor’s Story
- Kirkland City Council Member Toby Nixon joins the Attain Housing Board of Directors
- Volunteer Spotlight – Kim Convertino
- Large Donation Partner: Eastside Community Aid