7 Hills of Kirkland: Shifting Gears


7 Hills of Kirkland: Shifting Gears


Everyday is an uphill climb when you are homeless!

Please join us for an entire month of cycling challenges, weekly mileage & climbing contests, and community!

The 2020 Attain Housing 7 Hills of Kirkland will span the entire month of May. Riders can join us on Ride With GPS for routes, rider leader-boards, games, contests, and prizes for mileage and elevation each week.

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, we are shifting gears for our classic 2020 7 Hills of Kirkland fundraising bike ride.

This major fundraiser generates funds critical to the support of vulnerable families transitioning from homelessness and those at risk of eviction in East King County.

We are calling on you and all our cycling community to join us in “7 Hills Shifting Gears,” an all-May-long event celebrating the power of cycling.

We know our 7 Hills riders and community want to help at this time. Joining us this May is how you can ensure all Attain Housing clients stay housed and leave homelessness behind.

Register here!


Cost: $40
More Information: https://7hills.attainhousing.org/