In March 2013, Mary, and her four-year-old daughter, Isabella, joined Attain Housing’s Transformational Housing Program and moved into an apartment at Salisbury Court.* During this short period of time, Mary has demonstrated that she is determined to provide a happy and healthy life, free of violence, for herself and daughter.
Several years ago, Mary became a victim of domestic violence. She not only experienced verbal and physical abuse, but was also stripped of her financial integrity. She was left homeless and in extreme credit card debt. In addition, she possessed a student visa that was due to expire the following month. Given these unique and challenging circumstances, she has remained optimistic and refuses to show any signs of defeat. Having a safe place to call home, she has been able to focus on her goals, and the well-being of her family. Here is a glimpse of her accomplishments:
- In 2011, Mary worked several odd jobs to pay off $4,000 in credit card debt accrued by her ex‑abuser.
- Mary continuously works hard to improve her knowledge and skillset by applying for internships in her field of study. Last month, Mary was accepted into a 3‑month, computer development training program. As a participant in this program, she has the opportunity of earning an income, as well as being placed into a full-time position upon graduation.
- In August, the DA approved her request to apply for a U‑Visa. This step alone has taken nearly a year since its inception. Mary has already collected and submitted all of the required documents to file for a U‑Visa.
- During this same month, she was informed that an arrest warrant was issued for her ex-abuser.
- With great hope, Mary is looking forward to obtaining stable housing, a gainful career, and most importantly, peace of mind. Thanks to you and generous funders, Mary and her family will complete Attain Housing’s transformational housing program into self-sufficiency within a two-year timeframe. Mary now has the opportunity to start a new chapter in her life and can plan the next steps towards securing a happy and successful future.
* Pseudonyms to keep the family safe.