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"What's your plan moving forward?" That's a standard question we ask during the intake process for people requesting Stable Home funds to avoid eviction. It's a question that's hard enough for many folks to answer during normal circumstances, but it feels nearly impossible to answer during the COVID-19 crisis. We continue to serve clients through our Stable Home eviction prevention program while...

[caption id="attachment_18330" align="alignright" width="300"] Photo credit:[/caption] As the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis continues to be felt by the low-income families living in our transitional housing program, acquiring food and supplies has become an increasingly more worrisome issue. "Those families with transportation can go pick up food from food banks," Greg, our Program Services Manager said. "But, those who don't...

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, we are shifting gears for our 2020 7 Hills of Kirkland fundraising bike ride. This major fundraiser generates funds critical to the support of vulnerable families transitioning from homelessness and those at risk of eviction in East King County. We are calling on you and all the cycling community to join us in “7 Hills...

During these stressful and anxiety-producing times, the families currently living in Attain Housing's Transitional Housing units are doing their best to stay calm and be supportive of one another. "Now that the spotlight has moved on geographically from Kirkland, clients are getting used to the situation and adjusting pretty well to social distancing and staying home," said Megan, one of our...

As we enter another week of operating Attain Housing remotely, here’s a look at how this crisis is affecting the families in our transitional housing program. Our very-low income transitional housing clients are experiencing severe financial distress. We are talking to every one of them regularly. So far, 2 out of 3 clients have had their hours cut, lost their jobs,...

Case managers calming their clients through regular touchpoints, all by phone or video chat. Staff answering “front desk” and Stable Home rental assistance phone calls to the Attain Housing office that ring through their cell phones at home. Juggling commitment to delivering on our mission while also responding to kids at home because their schools and day cares are closed....

In the interest of protecting the health of our community, staff, and volunteers, we have decided to suspend Attain Housing’s Community Supper program until further notice. We have been trying a meals to-go program for a couple weeks and are very grateful to the volunteers who went above and beyond to make this happen. The number of guests taking advantage...

We will be serving Community Supper at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church at 6 PM on March 10, served by our friends from the City of Kirkland. We will be handing out pre-made meals to go. First come, first serve. The church will not be open for seating to reduce the chances of spreading COVID-19. We're sorry to interrupt the usual supper service, but...

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we at Attain Housing are re-thinking the way we operate in order to protect the health of our client families, employees and volunteers. Beginning Monday, March 9, all employees of Attain Housing will begin working from home as their job duties allow it. This may continue for at least 2 weeks and possibly longer as...