Former Attain Housing client Meghan Poree is helping leading the charge in forming our Alumni Group.
Creating a stronger Alumni Group for former Attain Housing client families has been a long-standing goal for Attain Housing staff and board. We hope to create a network that allows past clients to both keep in touch with each other and be able to reach out for support when they need it from folks who have gone through the same kinds of situations they have.
In early August, Program Services Manager Greg McLeod organized the first virtual meeting of former clients of Attain Housing. Former client Meghan Poree, who now works as a Housing Navigator for Seattle Housing Authority, volunteered to lead the conversation and pass on feedback from the other former clients. We were able to get 5 members of past client families to participate and the meeting provided the needed foundation for how Attain Housing can best move forward with the Alumni Group. We hope to use this momentum to get more former clients involved and use their feedback to continually improve our case management services and transitional housing program.
Are you a former client interested in joining? Please email Greg@attainhousing.org.