1989…The Berlin Wall fell…The Tiananmen Square massacre occurred…The earth narrowly avoided being hit by two asteroids…Taylor Swift was born. What else occurred in 1989?
Attain Housing was born!
30 years ago, two organizations were formed separately and independently, and probably without awareness of the other. One was in Bellevue and one was in Kirkland. Their origins were similar; faith-based community members coming together because the thought of children without homes was too much to bear. Housing at the Cross-roads was formed in Bellevue and Kirkland Interfaith Transitions in Housing (KITH) was born in Kirkland. Over the years, multiple congregations and donors came together to help purchase property, donate dollars to pay off loans, and spend untold volunteer hours preparing apartments to be lived in by families leaving homelessness. An original portfolio of one single family house had grown to 5 properties with 32 apartment homes!
By 2008 Housing at the Crossroads had completed a beautiful new 6-unit complex called Kensington Square on NE 8th in Bellevue and was contracting with KITH for case management services. In 2013 the two organizations decided to merge and in 2014 adopted the new name of Attain Housing. While the number of housing units we own hasn’t grown over the last 11 years, the number of people and families served has grown significantly through our Stable Home program and our master lease program, New Lease on Life.
The history of Attain is long and varied and yet the consistent theme through it all has been the dedication of thousands of volunteers, staff, and sup-porters. We all feel that no child should be without a home. That’s what brings us together and that’s what will propel us into the next 30 years.
Summer 2019 Newsletter Contents
- Cheers to 30 Years!
- Message from our Executive Director – Our History!
- Stable Home Update
- The Year So Far!
- Growth Through Stability – A Survivor’s Story
- Kirkland City Council Member Toby Nixon joins the Attain Housing Board of Directors
- Volunteer Spotlight – Kim Convertino
- Large Donation Partner: Eastside Community Aid